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21st Century Wellness eLetter Issues Listing

Volume 2, Issue 12 – July 31, 2000


MembershipFree Offer

Membership in the site is building, slowly but surely. Our Practitioner Membership took a great leap forward with the addition of several top-notch Practitioners from the New Orleans Louisiana area. See our Membership List article below.

SPECIAL OFFER: The first five to find our FREE OFFER in the web pages referenced below will received a free one-year Membership, currently worth $30. Read through the articles now and earn your free Membership, as well as enjoy the many benefits.

The benefits can be found at

WellnessComplementary Healthcare, Peggy Verret, MA, CHTP

Complementary Healthcare, a thriving branch of today's pluralistic medical system, is increasingly making its presence known in the local urban and suburban health arenas. Once considered adversarial, herbalists, body workers, energy and movement therapists are now found in various mainstream facilities such as health clubs, wellness centers and spas. While some Complementary Therapies are integrated into the healthcare professional's (allied health, nursing, psychotherapy, medicine) prevailing services, other modalities are found in single or multi-disciplined private practices.


SiteNew Members List

We have just revised the CompWellness Network Practitioner Members list. It is now ordered by Modality versus last name, making it easier to find a Practitioner of a particular type. We are also using the Practitioner's name and the Modality name to access the list from the revised eGuide chapters, allowing us to update the website more often and more accurately. Scan through and see for yourself.


eGuideNew eGuide Chapters

We are using some of the new chapters from the soon-to-be-printed Complementary Healing Guide in the New Orleans area to update our online Complementary Healing eGuide. See the NEW chapters as they appear, and those marked New Additions as they are modified.

See Courtesy of Aquatic Exercise Association - CLICK FOR WEBSITE

eGuideAquatic Therapy, Julia Young Hayes, MEd, LMT, CPOI, Aquassage: Massage/Aquatic Services

Aquatics, or Water Therapy, provides a multidisciplinary approach to therapy and rehabilitation. Healthcare professionals can enhance their chosen work by including water therapy in their practices. For example, Aquatic Massage Therapy is an excellent means of relieving stress and revitalizing tired muscles.

See Courtesy of Star's Edge - CLICK FOR WEBSITE

eGuideAvatar, Peggy Verret, MA, CHTP, CompWellness Network of Louisiana

Avatar is the most widely-used self-development course in the world, available in 64 countries and 14 different languages. It is an excellent tool for creating the health you desire. Delivered by a trained Avatar Master, the course consists of experiential exercises that enable you to rediscover your self and align your consciousness with what you want to achieve.


eGuideFeldenkrais, Ellen Soloway, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner

The Feldenkrais Method® helps people move with more ease, efficiency and comfort through the educational powers of movement and awareness. By teaching coordination and skill, the method covers a broad range of human actions. It covers simple important human activities - standing, walking, sitting, reaching, balancing and running. It also covers complex actions - sports performance, speech, voice, breath control and posture improvement. It works whether you are an individual with a disability, a superbly coordinated person, or simply a person seeking relief from the common stresses of living. In brief, the Feldenkrais Method teaches you how to improve your ability to function in daily life.

See Courtesy of Heartwood Institute - CLICK FOR WEBSITE

eGuideOriental Healing Arts, Orisia Haas, OMD

The legacy of the Oriental Healing Arts embraces more than 5,000 years and embodies the philosophies and practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as the healing disciplines of other Eastern cultures. More than one billion people around the world use Oriental Healing practices daily.

Long before the word "holistic" was used in the West, that concept formed the basis for all Oriental Medicine and healing practices. There is a natural energy, order and harmony both in the external world around us and the world within our body. Recognizing that harmony and understanding how to maintain or re-claim it is the key to vibrant health in the fullest sense.


ColumnBenjamin's Columns, Sam Benjamin, MD

Dr Sam Benjamin graced us with his insider's wisdom from March through June. Now, his schedule prevents him from writing a regular column. To make reading his previous columns easier, we have compiled them into an eJournal article. We hope to have cameo appearances in the future.

If you would like to write a 200-300 word editorial for our newsletter - once or periodically - please contact us soon:

Practitioner Members



Send books, software and other publications for review to the address on our Website. You may also request publications to review, or submit six-paragraph reviews with your one-paragraph biography, at


Q&ANew Site Search Engine

After weeks of research, we have settled on our internal Site Search Engine - from Atomz. From our home page - in the vertical bar under the email graphic - you can do a simple search. Clicking on the "Advanced Search" link below that, or the "Search this Site" link on all other pages with a vertical bar, gives you more options. Try it; you'll like it!


Q&AFlotation Tanks, Jed E, Texas

I am trying to locate a health centre or spa that offers "flotation tank" therapy near me. Any information that you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

To find a location for flotation tanks in your area, enter "Flotation Tank" into your favorite search engine -,,, - and look for an association or US manufacturer that can lead you to one. You may be able to refine your search by adding Texas or Spa.

See Courtesy of National Fitness Therapy Association - CLICK FOR WEBSITE

Q&AHolistic Gym, Tania P, New York City

I am looking for holistic gym - would you have this information?

I entered Holistic Gym "New York" into [the quote marks are important to keep New York together] and found some possibilities. Check it out. As far as a known recommendation, we have none in the City. However, there is an NFTA-accredited club in Syracuse that may have some leads for you: Train To Attain, Wellness Director: Eric Prager, 770 James Street, Suite M3, Syracuse NY 13203, 315-478-3488


Q&AHow to Find a Practitioner or Business

Looking for a Complementary Healthcare Practitioner? Check out our simple steps to finding the Practitioner(s) you need. Members may also call us toll free:

Practitioner Members


CommentsWanted, Send your comments to


NewsWanted, Send news leads to

We spent our time this month revamping the site. See daily health news articles at EarthMed Headlines

AnnouncementsMajor Events, Send press releases to

Announcements of major national and world Complementary healthcare and wellness events are welcomed, especially those that are very reasonably priced or complimentary.

Courtesy of New Age magazine - CLICK FOR WEBSITE

AnnouncementsReNewing Body and Soul Conferences, New Age Magazine

The magazine is sponsoring two conferences this fall. Registrations are about $300 for the weekend (Friday evening through Sunday afternoon). Topics includes: extreme self-care, healing the emotional body, body image and awareness, other topics and a variety of hands-on, interactive workshops. Pre- and post-conference workshops are also available for addition fees.

Boston MA, September 8-10, featuring Deepak Chopra. MD - deadline for an early registration for Boston is August 18th

Denver CO, October 20-22, featuring Andrew Weil, MD

Also see the New Year's Celebration in Kaua'I, HI - December 28 - January 2

See Courtesy of Go-with-Jo Travel - CLICK FOR WEBSITE

TravelVisit Denver and Colorado, Josephine Hehnke, MBA, Go-with-Jo Travel

Visit the Denver Area then Colorado - superior business and vacation facilities as well as wonderful practitioners. Make arrangements two-three weeks in advance for the best rates. She also specializes in London and the United Kingdom. Phone 1-888-GO-with-Jo


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