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First Aid:  Herbology – August 23, 1999
by Christina Blume Endres, Rachel Lord, Feather Jones, Steven Foster and Susan Mallamo

Self-sufficiency will be the hallmark of the Year 2000 in most aspects of our lives, but especially healthcare. On or before January 1st, access to healthcare facilities and practitioners may be interrupted. This will be due to likely disruptions in the conventional healthcare system, or lower-probability infrastructure failures – transportation or communications – restricting access to all healthcare practitioners, supplies and services.

First Aid in any situation is often critical to the recovery of anyone suffering from a cut to a more serious condition. Fortunately, First Aid procedures and methods are straight-forward and not difficult to learn. The Red Cross as well as many schools, non-profits and agencies teach basic First Aid for shock, broken limbs, drowning, and many other conditions.

Complementary First Aid goes beyond basic First Aid to include remedies such as Acupressure and Aromatherapy (see previous articles, Bodywork, Herbology, Homeopathy, and Reflexology (see our online eGuide). This issue features Herbology – another exceptional healing system that goes well beyond Echinacea. –KJ

Herbology has been used since primitive man first observed animals eating certain plants when not feeling well. Trial and error testing, and now scientific research, have refined herbal medicine into a significant part of complementary healthcare. Herbs are the basis of most drugs, which are often synthetic forms of the herbs. Throughout recorded history, herbs have played a strong part in healing and healthcare. With minimal side-effects and powerful results, herbal medicines can be a strong part of your wellness program, including first aid for you and your family.

The following list is representative of the many conditions that herbs effect and the many herbal medicines that can be very effective.

Some notes are in order to set the stage properly (source shown in parenthesis):

Information Sources/Suppliers (Reference Abbreviations in parenthesis)


The format for this listing is:

Condition – Remedy (Information Source)

Adult Remedy Application

Abrasions – Echinacea (RMC)

Wash well, apply Echinacea drops to area.
Those allergic to pollen of other members of the aster family, such as ragweed, may also be allergic to Echinacea. May not be appropriate if you have an impaired immune system response, including tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis and HIV infection.

Anxiety, tension – A combination of: Passion Flower, Valerian Rhizome (JFH)

May use the herbs individually, though not as effective. Take 1-3 ml tincture of Passion Flower and Valerian Rhizome 3x/day in water. May mix with a little Ginger to protect stomach.
Valerian normally smells like dirty socks. Do not use this formula with any other sleeping medication. Do not use in pregnancy (Passion Flower is a uterine stimulant). Both are medium-strength herbs. If used continuously on own, take a few day's break every 2 weeks. May cause nausea/vomiting.

Arthritis – Licorice (JFH)

Take 1-3 ml tincture of Licorice root 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea of 1 tsp dried Licorice root to 1 cup water; boil then simmer 10-15 min; strain; drink 3 cups daily.
May cause reversible high blood pressure, potassium loss, and sodium and water retention IF taken regularly (more that 3 grams a day for more than 6 weeks). This is unlikely when taken in recommended dosage. To be on safe side, do not use in cases of high blood pressure renal failure or current use of digitalis preparations.

Asthma – A combination of: Red Clover Flower, Black Cohosh Rhizome, Lobelia Herb (JFH)

Herbs not recommended individually – order preparation from JFH. Take 1 tsp tincture every 2 hours as mixed with the cough syrup formula (see Cough) half and half.
Made to combine with the basic cough syrup as needed; not meant to be used alone. May cause nausea or vomiting; if so, discontinue use. Only use for as long as cough persists. If cough lasts over 2 weeks, seek other remedies.

Bite, insect – Echinacea, Aloe Vera, Tea Tree, Plantain

Pull stinger out with tweezers; apply available pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory remedy, such as a split raw Aloe Vera leaf, few drops Tea Tree oil, chewed/mashed Plantain; bandage; 30 drops Echinacea under tongue.

Bite, insect, poisonous – Echinacea

Follow non-poisonous application; 30 drops Echinacea under tongue, every 15 minutes for 4-8 hours.

Bite, snake, non-poisonous – Echinacea

60-80 drops Echinacea every half hour; apply available pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory remedy (see Bite, insect) every hour.

Bladder infection (cystitis) – Yarrow Herb (JFH)

Take 2-4 ml tincture of Yarrow Herb stem and flowers; take 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea with 1-2 tsp of dried herb; steep in just boiled water 10-15 minutes; strain; drink 3 cups or more a day.

Bleeding, passive: nose bleeds, blood in stools or urine – Yarrow Herb (JFH)

Take 2-4 ml tincture of Yarrow Herb stem and flowers; take 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea with 1-2 tsp of dried herb; steep in just boiled water 10-15 minutes; strain; drink 3 cups or more a day.

Bleeding, heavy – Cayenne (RMC)

Drink 10 drops Cayenne diluted in 2 oz water; apply a few drops of extract to bleeding area.

Blood pressure, high – A combination of: Passion Flower, Valerian Rhizome, Garlic (.JFH)

May use the herbs individually, though not as effective. Take 1-3 ml tincture of Passion Flower and Valerian Rhizome 3x/day in water. May mix with a little Ginger to protect stomach. Or crush raw Garlic cloves; eat or swallow 3 cloves. For acute conditions such as infection, eat up to 8 cloves a day. Or make tincture of 1/2 to 2 ml garlic bulb; take 3x/day in water.
Valerian normally smells like dirty socks. Do not use this formula with any other sleeping medication. Do not use in pregnancy (Passion Flower is a uterine stimulant). Both are medium-strength herbs. If used continuously on own, take a few day's break every 2 weeks. May cause nausea/vomiting. For best Garlic effects, make sure allicin is not removed. Commercial product should have 4,000 micrograms of allicin per daily dose. This is equal to 1 clove of fresh garlic.

Bronchitis – Licorice (JFH)

Take 1-3 ml tincture of Licorice root 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea of 1 tsp dried Licorice root to 1 cup water; boil then simmer 10-15 min; strain; drink 3 cups daily.
May cause reversible high blood pressure, potassium loss, and sodium and water retention IF taken regularly (more that 3 grams a day for more than 6 weeks). This is unlikely when taken in recommended dosage. To be on safe side, do not use in cases of high blood pressure renal failure or current use of digitalis preparations.

Bruise – A combination of: Tienchi ginseng, Hyssop, Cinnamon, Myrrh, Calendula, Prickly Ash, Cayenne, Scute (JFH)

Herbs not recommended individually – order preparation from JFH. External: rub briskly into skin on affected area 3 or more times daily. Internal: 1/2 to 1 tsp in a little warm water 3x/day. (Internal and external treatment together works best.).
The cayenne makes it taste a little hot initially, then sensation disappears. Do not take internally if pregnant. Keep out of eyes. Wash hands after use. Will stain clothes. Do not use on open sores (alcohol stings).

Bruise – Arnica (RMC)

Apply Arnica immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day.

Burn: fire, sun, wind – Echinacea, Aloe Vera, Plantain

Echinacea to cool; split Aloe Vera leaf or chewed/mashed Plantain often if second degree.

Cholesterol, high – Garlic (JFH)

Crush raw cloves; eat or swallow 3 cloves. Or make tincture of 1/2 to 2 ml garlic bulb; take 3x/day in water.
For best effects, make sure allicin is not removed. Commercial product should have 4,000 micrograms of allicin per daily dose. This is equal to 1 clove of fresh garlic.

Cold – Licorice (JFH)

Take 1-3 ml tincture of Licorice root 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea of 1 tsp dried Licorice root to 1 cup water; boil then simmer 10-15 min; strain; drink 3 cups daily.
May cause reversible high blood pressure, potassium loss, and sodium and water retention IF taken regularly (more that 3 grams a day for more than 6 weeks). This is unlikely when taken in recommended dosage. To be on safe side, do not use in cases of high blood pressure renal failure or current use of digitalis preparations.

Cold, flu, respiratory, sore throat, – A combination of: Osha Root, Echinacea, Lungwort Lichen, Magnolia Bud, Garden Sage, Licorice, Ginger, Coltsfoot, Passion Flower (JFH)

Herbs not recommended individually – order preparation from JFH. This is more effective for the long term than individual herbs. Purchase a preparation from JFH.
Take 2-4 ml tincture of herbs every 2 hours when awake; take for a few days even after symptoms are gone.
Do not take continuously; if condition is not gone or getting a lot better in 2 weeks, take another remedy. Respiratory infections can turn into pneumonia if not treated appropriately.

Cold, flu – Astragalus (SF)

Make tea with 1-5 tsp Astragalus root in one cup hot water; take three times daily. Chinese tradition is to take the large dosage and simmer for several hours.

Cold, flu – Echinacea (JFH)

Take 2-4 ml tincture of Echinacea root every 2 hours for acute condition. Or for long term use, take 2-4 ml, 3x/day. Take tincture in a little water for better absorption. Use for 6 weeks on, 1 week off and repeat if necessary.
Do not use as a long term immune enhancer; there are better herbs for this such as Ginseng root, Astragalus root or Reishi mushroom. If nausea occurs, mix with a little Ginger or Peppermint or discontinue.

Cold, flu, early onset – Garlic, Yarrow Herb, Ginger (JFH)

May use the herbs individually. Crush raw cloves; eat or swallow 3 cloves. For acute conditions such as infection, eat up to 8 cloves a day. Or make tincture of 1/2 to 2 ml garlic bulb; take 3x/day in water. Or take 2-4 ml tincture of Yarrow Herb stem and flowers; take 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea with 1-2 tsp of dried herb; steep in just boiled water 10-15 minutes; strain; drink 3 cups or more a day. Add to cold tincture. Or take 2 ml tincture of Ginger Rhizome 3x/day in a little water. Or use fresh Ginger root; grate 1 tbsp and steep in a tea for 20 minutes and strain; this is especially good for sweating in early onset cold/flu.
For best Garlic effects, make sure allicin is not removed. Commercial product should have 4,000 micrograms of allicin per daily dose. This is equal to 1 clove of fresh garlic Do not use Yarrow Herb if fever is present. If promotes sweating, add.Echinacea root. Add Ginger to other herbs to stop side effects of nausea.

Cold sores – Licorice (JFH)

Take 1-3 ml tincture of Licorice root 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea of 1 tsp dried Licorice root to 1 cup water; boil then simmer 10-15 min; strain; drink 3 cups daily.
May cause reversible high blood pressure, potassium loss, and sodium and water retention IF taken regularly (more that 3 grams a day for more than 6 weeks). This is unlikely when taken in recommended dosage. To be on safe side, do not use in cases of high blood pressure renal failure or current use of digitalis preparations.

Constipation – A combination of: Cascara segrada, Licorice, Fennel, Peppermint (BF)

Herbs not recommended individually. Make a tea – place 1 tsp each Cascara segrada, Licorice root and Fennel or Peppermint into 1 pint water; simmer for 15 minutes; strain; add honey to taste (this is bitter). There is a delayed reaction with the herbs, it takes about 12 hours, so best to take at bedtime. Alternative: Taking 1/2 teaspoon of Cascara segrada tincture and 1/2 teaspoon Fennel tincture in 2 tbsp warm juice or tea is a little more palatable than the tea. Increase bulk fibers and water in your diet.
Do not take laxatives longer than 3 days.

Constipation – Cascara segrada (SF)

Take 10 drops (1ml) of fluid extract.
Follow label instructions. Only use aged bark. For chronic constipation, see your healthcare professional to avoid laxative dependency.

Cough – A combination for a cough Syrup: Licorice, Plantain, Marshmallow, Sliipery Elm, Thyme, Coltsfoot, Sage, Wild Cherry, Horehound (BF,JFH)

This is more effective for the long term than individual herbs. Prepare this formula ahead of time or purchase a preparation from JFH. Simmer the following herbs in 12 ounces of water for 5 minutes and then steep them for 20 minutes longer: 1 tbsp each of Licorice root, Plantain leaf and Marshmallow root, 1 tsp each of Thyme leaves, Coltsfoot leaves and Sage leaves, and 1 tbsp each of Slippery Elm bark, Wild Cherry and Horehound; strain; add 2 ounces of honey and 4 ounces of vegetable glycerin while the tea water is still warm. (BF)
Take 1 tsp cough syrup every 2 hours as needed. For uncontrolled coughing spasms, see Cough, dry hacking stubborn condition. (JFH)
The cough syrup will keep for at least 3-4 weeks refrigerated. Adults and children over 2 can take 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon as needed. Do not give this syrup to babies (they cannot have honey). Coltsfoot should not be used for longer then two weeks. (BF)

Do not suppress a productive cough (one that brings up phlegm) except at night so you can sleep. (JFH)

Cough – Licorice (JFH)

Take 1-3 ml tincture of Licorice root 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea of 1 tsp dried Licorice root to 1 cup water; boil then simmer 10-15 min; strain; drink 3 cups daily.
May cause reversible high blood pressure, potassium loss, and sodium and water retention IF taken regularly (more that 3 grams a day for more than 6 weeks). This is unlikely when taken in recommended dosage. To be on safe side, do not use in cases of high blood pressure renal failure or current use of digitalis preparations.

Cough, dry hacking stubborn – Combination of: Red Clover Flower, Black Cohosh Rhizome, Lobelia Herb (JFH)

This is more effective for the long term than individual herbs. Purchase a preparation from JFH.

Take 1 tsp tincture every 2 hours as mixed with the cough syrup formula (see Cough) half and half.
Made to combine with the basic cough syrup as needed; not meant to be used alone. May cause nausea or vomiting; if so, discontinue use. Only use for as long as cough persists. If cough lasts over 2 weeks, seek other remedies.

Cough, wheezing – A combination of: Passion Flower, Valerian Rhizome (JFH)

May use the herbs individually, though not as effective. Take 1-3 ml tincture of Passion Flower and Valerian Rhizome 3x/day in water. May mix with a little Ginger to protect stomach.
Valerian normally smells like dirty socks. Do not use this formula with any other sleeping medication. Do not use in pregnancy (Passion Flower is a uterine stimulant). Both are medium-strength herbs. If used continuously on own, take a few day's break every 2 weeks. May cause nausea/vomiting.

Cut – Calendula (SM)

If jagged, vlean with mild soap and water; apply 22% Calendula extract or ointment to wound; bandage; dab with extract or ointment to keep it moist; if serious, take to healthcare professional.
See Homeopathy hints in Notes.

Depression, mild to moderate – St John's wort (JFH)

Take 1-4 ml tincture of St John's wort 3x/day in a little water with food. Or make an infusion (tea) 2 tsp dried herb to 1 cup boiling water; steep 10 to 15 minutes and strain; drink 1 cup 3x/day.
May cause mild gastric upset. Possible sensitivity to sun and other UV light in fair-haired individuals. Avoid exposure to strong sunlight if using doses beyond those stated for long periods of time. Do not take with them if on Prozac, Zoloft or other anti-depressants, wean off slowly as you gradually increase your intake of St John's wort. May take 3-4 weeks to have an effect.

Diarrhea – Meadowsweet, Agrimony, Red Raspberry (BF)

Make a tea with any or all of herbs Meadowsweet, Agrimony or Red Raspberry leaf; place 3 tsp of dried herbs in 2 cups of boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes, strain and sip a cup every hour or until digestion is normal; sweeten with honey; can add ginger; drink lots of water (herbal teas are good for this). Two tablespoons of carob powder stirred into 1 cup of applesauce (pectin) or potato peel broth will help solidify stools.
Diarrhea in children under three can be serious – children dehydrate consult your healthcare practitioner if diarrhea lasts more than a day.

Diarrhea – Quassia (RMC)

Take 3-5 dropperfuls of Quassia every 6 hours.

Earache – Garlic (BF)

Macerate garlic in olive oil to make an ear oil. Or gently heat 1/8 cup olive oil; add 3 crushed garlic cloves; strain; add 2 tbsp St John's wort oil.
Refrigerate and even then, discard after 3-4 days.

Earache – Tea Tree Oil (RMC)

Dilute Tea Tree Oil 1-2 times w/ vegetable oil and insert 3-6 drops in ear.

Eczema – Licorice (JFH)

Take 1-3 ml tincture of Licorice root 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea of 1 tsp dried Licorice root to 1 cup water; boil then simmer 10-15 min; strain; drink 3 cups daily.
May cause reversible high blood pressure, potassium loss, and sodium and water retention IF taken regularly (more that 3 grams a day for more than 6 weeks). This is unlikely when taken in recommended dosage. To be on safe side, do not use in cases of high blood pressure renal failure or current use of digitalis preparations.

Feet, sore – Arnica (RMC)

Massage with Arnica immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day.

Fever – Echinacea (RMC)

60-100 drops Echinacea every hour.

Fever – Yarrow Herb (JFH)

Take 2-4 ml tincture of Yarrow Herb stem and flowers; take 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea with 1-2 tsp of dried herb; steep in just boiled water 10-15 minutes; strain; drink 3 cups or more a day; combine with ginger, cayenne or peppermint to cause sweating.

Fibromyalgia – Licorice (JFH)

Take 1-3 ml tincture of Licorice root 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea of 1 tsp dried Licorice root to 1 cup water; boil then simmer 10-15 min; strain; drink 3 cups daily.
May cause reversible high blood pressure, potassium loss, and sodium and water retention IF taken regularly (more that 3 grams a day for more than 6 weeks). This is unlikely when taken in recommended dosage. To be on safe side, do not use in cases of high blood pressure renal failure or current use of digitalis preparations.

Fingers or toes, crushed – Arnica (RMC)

Apply Arnica freely if skin not broken; dilute to drink every 15 minutes until pain and shock subside.

Frostbite – Cayenne (RMC)

5-10 drops Cayenne diluted in 2 oz water.

Gastritis, chronic – Ginger (JFH)

Take 2 ml tincture of Ginger Rhizome 3x/day in a little water. Or use fresh ginger root; grate 1 tbsp and steep in a tea for 20 minutes and strain.
Do not use if fever is present.

Headache – Echinacea, Valerian (RMC)

30 drops Echinacea; 30-45 drops Valerian.

Headaches, migraines, tension – A combination of: Passion Flower, Valerian Rhizome (JFH)

May use the herbs individually, though not as effective. Take 1-3 ml tincture of Passion Flower and Valerian Rhizome 3x/day in water. May mix with a little Ginger to protect stomach.
Valerian normally smells like dirty socks. Do not use this formula with any other sleeping medication. Do not use in pregnancy (Passion Flower is a uterine stimulant). Both are medium-strength herbs. If used continuously on own, take a few day's break every 2 weeks. May cause nausea/vomiting.

Immune system – Osha Root (RMC)

Chew Osha Root as a strengthener.

Immune system, depressed – Echinacea (JFH)

Take 2-4 ml tincture of Echinacea root every 2 hours for acute condition. Or for long term use, take 2-4 ml, 3x/day. Take tincture in a little water for better absorption. Use for 6 weeks on, 1 week off and repeat if necessary.
Do not use as a long term immune enhancer; there are better herbs for this such as Ginseng root, Astragalus root or Reishi mushroom. If nausea occurs, mix with a little Ginger or Peppermint or discontinue.

Indigestion, nausea, – Chamomile (SF)

Make tea of 1/2-1 tsp of dried Chamomile flower per cup hot water; drink one cup 3-4 times daily. Or take 10-40 drops Chamomile tincture three times daily.
Those allergic to pollen of other members of the aster family, such as ragweed, may also be allergic to Chamomile.

Infection – Garlic (.JFH)

Crush raw cloves; eat or swallow 3 cloves. For acute conditions, eat up to 8 cloves a day. Or make tincture of 1/2 to 2 ml garlic bulb; take 3x/day in water.
For best effects, make sure allicin is not removed. Commercial product should have 4,000 micrograms of allicin per daily dose. This is equal to 1 clove of fresh garlic.

Infection, bacterial and viral – Echinacea (JFH)

Take 2-4 ml tincture of Echinacea root every 2 hours for acute condition. Or for long term use, take 2-4 ml, 3x/day. Take tincture in a little water for better absorption. Use for 6 weeks on, 1 week off and repeat if necessary.
Do not use as a long term immune enhancer; there are better herbs for this such as Ginseng root, Astragalus root or Reishi mushroom. If nausea occurs, mix with a little Ginger or Peppermint or discontinue.

Infection, ear – A combination of: Pot Marigold, Garlic, Mullien, Lobelia, Vitamin E, Castor oil (JFH)

Herbs not recommended individually – order preparation from JFH. Make an ear oil consisting of Pot Marigold, fresh garlic cloves, Mullien, Lobelia in Vitamin E and a castor oil base; warm up oil to comfortable room temperature before applying to ear; put 2 to 4 drops in affected ear 3x/day.. This is also the children's dose. Refrigerate.
Use only if ear drum is in tact. If pain is not gone in 2 weeks, seek another remedy. A little goes a long way.

Infection, minor – Astragalus (SF)

Make tea with 1-5 tsp Astragalus root in one cup hot water; take three times daily. Chinese tradition is to take the large dosage and simmer for several hours.

Infection, upper respiratory , urinary tract – Echinacea (JFH)

Take 2-4 ml tincture of Echinacea root every 2 hours for acute condition. Or for long term use, take 2-4 ml, 3x/day. Take tincture in a little water for better absorption. Use for 6 weeks on, 1 week off and repeat if necessary.
Do not use as a long term immune enhancer; there are better herbs for this such as Ginseng root, Astragalus root or Reishi mushroom. If nausea occurs, mix with a little Ginger or Peppermint or discontinue.

Infection, urinary tract, acute – A combination of: Bearberrry or Uva Ursi, Pot Marigold, Wild Yam, Marsh Mallow, Cleavers (JFH)

Herbs not recommended individually – order preparation from JFH. Take 2-4 ml tincture of Bearberrry or Uva Ursi, Pot Marigold, Wild Yam, Marsh Mallow and Cleavers every 2 hours while awake. Continue for a few days after symptoms are gone.
If infection not gone in 2 weeks, another remedy is needed. Untreated UTI's can lead to very serious kidney infections. Drink lots of water and unsweetened cranberry juice. Eat parsley and drink fresh parsley tea. Take vitamin C.

Inflammation – A combination of: Tienchi ginseng, Hyssop, Cinnamon, Myrrh, Calendula, Prickly Ash, Cayenne, Scute (JFH)

Herbs not recommended individually – order preparation from JFH. External: rub briskly into skin on affected area 3 or more times daily. Internal: 1/2 to 1 tsp in a little warm water 3x/day. (Internal and external treatment together works best.).
The cayenne makes it taste a little hot initially, then sensation disappears. Do not take internally if pregnant. Keep out of eyes. Wash hands after use. Will stain clothes. Do not use on open sores (alcohol stings).

Inflammatory conditions, such as allergies – Licorice (JFH)

Take 1-3 ml tincture of Licorice root 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea of 1 tsp dried Licorice root to 1 cup water; boil then simmer 10-15 min; strain; drink 3 cups daily.
May cause reversible high blood pressure, potassium loss, and sodium and water retention IF taken regularly (more that 3 grams a day for more than 6 weeks). This is unlikely when taken in recommended dosage. To be on safe side, do not use in cases of high blood pressure renal failure or current use of digitalis preparations.

Inflammatory pain from neuralgia and arthritis – St John's wort (JFH)

Take 1-4 ml tincture of St John's wort 3x/day in a little water with food. Or make an infusion (tea) 2 tsp dried herb to 1 cup boiling water; steep 10 to 15 minutes and strain; drink 1 cup 3x/day.
May cause mild gastric upset. Possible sensitivity to sun and other UV light in fair-haired individuals. Avoid exposure to strong sunlight if using doses beyond those stated for long periods of time. May interact with MAO inhibitors (Nardil or Parnate). Do not take with them if on Prozac, Zoloft or other anti-depressants, wean off slowly as you gradually increase your intake of St John's wort. May take 3-4 weeks to have an effect.

Injuries, pain, acute, soft tissue – A combination of: Tienchi ginseng, Hyssop, Cinnamon, Myrrh, Calendula, Prickly Ash, Cayenne, Scute (JFH)

Herbs not recommended individually – order preparation from JFH. External: rub briskly into skin on affected area 3 or more times daily. Internal: 1/2 to 1 tsp in a little warm water 3x/day. (Internal and external treatment together works best.).
The cayenne makes it taste a little hot initially, then sensation disappears. Do not take internally if pregnant. Keep out of eyes. Wash hands after use. Will stain clothes. Do not use on open sores (alcohol stings).

Insect repellent – Tea Tree Oil (RMC)

Use Tea Tree Oil sparingly.

Insomnia – A combination of: Passion Flower, Valerian Rhizome (JFH)

May use the herbs individually, though not as effective. Take 1-3 ml tincture of Passion Flower and Valerian Rhizome 3x/day in water. May mix with a little Ginger to protect stomach.
Valerian normally smells like dirty socks. Do not use this formula with any other sleeping medication. Do not use in pregnancy (Passion Flower is a uterine stimulant). Both are medium-strength herbs. If used continuously on own, take a few day's break every 2 weeks. May cause nausea/vomiting.

Insomnia – Chamomile (SF)

Make tea of 1/2-1 tsp of dried Chamomile flower per cup hot water; drink one cup 3-4 times daily. Or take 10-40 drops Chamomile tincture three times daily.
Those allergic to pollen of other members of the aster family, such as ragweed, may also be allergic to Chamomile.

Ligaments, torn – Arnica, Valerian (RMC)

Massage with Arnica immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day; take Valerian.

Macular degeneration – Ginkgo (JFH)

Take 2-4 ml tincture of Ginkgo leaves 3x/day in a little water.
May cause dizziness, gastric upset. Do not use continuously on its own for over 3 months. Take a week break and then continue pattern. To be effective, needs to be taken consistently for at least 3 months. Most people begin to see benefits in 2 to 3 weeks. Use leaves only. The fresh SEEDS ARE TOXIC and the fruit pulp can cause severe skin reactions.

Mental function, impaired, depression, memory loss – Ginkgo (JFH)

Take 2-4 ml tincture of Ginkgo leaves 3x/day in a little water.
May cause dizziness, gastric upset. Do not use continuously on its own for over 3 months. Take a week break and then continue pattern. To be effective, needs to be taken consistently for at least 3 months. Most people begin to see benefits in 2 to 3 weeks. Use leaves only. The fresh seeds are toxic and the fruit pulp can cause severe skin reactions.

Morning sickness, in normal pregnancies – Ginger (JFH)

Take 2 ml tincture of Ginger Rhizome 3x/day in a little water. Or use fresh ginger root; grate 1 tbsp and steep in a tea for 20 minutes and strain.
Do not use if fever is present.

Muscle spasms – A combination of: Passion Flower, Valerian Rhizome (JFH)

May use the herbs individually, though not as effective. Take 1-3 ml tincture of Passion Flower and Valerian Rhizome 3x/day in water. May mix with a little Ginger to protect stomach.
Valerian normally smells like dirty socks. Do not use this formula with any other sleeping medication. Do not use in pregnancy (Passion Flower is a uterine stimulant). Both are medium-strength herbs. If used continuously on own, take a few day's break every 2 weeks. May cause nausea/vomiting.

Muscle strains – A combination of: Tienchi ginseng, Hyssop, Cinnamon, Myrrh, Calendula, Prickly Ash, Cayenne, Scute (JFH)

Herbs not recommended individually – order preparation from JFH. External: rub briskly into skin on affected area 3 or more times daily. Internal: 1/2 to 1 tsp in a little warm water 3x/day. (Internal and external treatment together works best.).
The cayenne makes it taste a little hot initially, then sensation disappears. Do not take internally if pregnant. Keep out of eyes. Wash hands after use. Will stain clothes. Do not use on open sores (alcohol stings).

Muscle, cramps, sore – Arnica (RMC)

Massage Arnica in immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day.

Nausea – Ginger (BF)

Grate one teaspoon fresh Ginger into 8 oz boiling water, simmering 10 minutes then strain; sip throughout day.. Or combine two 500 mg capsules Ginger;.

Nausea – Peppermint (BF)

Use 3 tsp fresh Peppermint per cup of tea or 11/2 tsp dried Peppermint per pint boiled water to make a soothing tea. Sip throughout day.

Nausea, vomiting (including motion sickness) – Ginger (JFH)

Take 2 ml tincture of Ginger Rhizome 3x/day in a little water. For acute nausea, 2 ml every 2 hours. Or use fresh ginger root; grate 1 tbsp and steep in a tea for 20 minutes and strain.
Do not use if fever is present.

Nose, bleeding – Cayenne (RMC)

Insert tampon into nostril; 5-10 drops Cayenne diluted in water. Or tilt head back and pinch nostrils.

Pain – A combination of: Passion Flower, Valerian Rhizome (JFH)

May use the herbs individually, though not as effective. Take 1-3 ml tincture of Passion Flower and Valerian Rhizome 3x/day in water. May mix with a little Ginger to protect stomach.
Valerian normally smells like dirty socks. Do not use this formula with any other sleeping medication. Do not use in pregnancy (Passion Flower is a uterine stimulant). Both are medium-strength herbs. If used continuously on own, take a few day's break every 2 weeks. May cause nausea/vomiting.

Pain – Arnica, Valerian (RMC)

Apply Arnica immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day; take 30-60 drops Valerian.

Pain – Cayenne (SF)

Use freely as a spice. Make tea with 1/2-1 tsp powdered Cayenne fruit in cup of water.
Cayenne's pungent principle, capsaicin, is not water soluble and is a highly toxic irritant, so it is difficult to wash off and may cause burning skin irritation. Use under healthcare professional's direction.

Pain, digestive (irritable bowl, chron's disease colitis, ulcerative) – A combination of: Wild Yam, Catnip, Ginger, Valerian, Peppermint (BF)

Herbs not recommended individually – make ahead of time. Make a tincture of Wild Yam, Catnip, Ginger and Valerian. Put 1/4 -1/2 tsp in a small amount of warm juice or tea. Or take 1-2 Enteric-coated Peppermint capsules.

PMS – Licorice (JFH)

Take 1-3 ml tincture of Licorice root 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea of 1 tsp dried Licorice root to 1 cup water; boil then simmer 10-15 min; strain; drink 3 cups daily.
May cause reversible high blood pressure, potassium loss, and sodium and water retention IF taken regularly (more that 3 grams a day for more than 6 weeks). This is unlikely when taken in recommended dosage. To be on safe side, do not use in cases of high blood pressure renal failure or current use of digitalis preparations.

PMS, menopause, menstrual bleeding, heavy – Yarrow Herb (JFH)

Take 2-4 ml tincture of Yarrow Herb stem and flowers; take 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea with 1-2 tsp of dried herb; steep in just boiled water 10-15 minutes; strain; drink 3 cups or more a day.

Poisoning, food – Ipecac Syrup, Echinacea (RMC)

Take Ipecac Syrup to vomit; 30 drops Echinacea as often as needed; take 2 Slippery Elm capsules to absorb toxins.

Radiation exposure –Apple, Kelp, Miso (RMC)

Eat lots of apples; eat miso and kelp.

Scratches – Calendula (SM)

Wash gently with mild soap and water; apply 22% Calendula extract or ointment on dressing to wound; bandage; dab with extract or ointment to keep it moist.
Do not apply substances such as iodine which burn skin and delay healing. See Homeopathic Medicine hints in Notes.

Seizures – A combination of: Passion Flower, Valerian Rhizome (JFH)

May use the herbs individually, though not as effective. Take 1-3 ml tincture of Passion Flower and Valerian Rhizome 3x/day in water. May mix with a little Ginger to protect stomach.
Valerian normally smells like dirty socks. Do not use this formula with any other sleeping medication. Do not use in pregnancy (Passion Flower is a uterine stimulant). Both are medium-strength herbs. If used continuously on own, take a few day's break every 2 weeks. May cause nausea/vomiting.

Shock – Cayenne (RMC)

Put Cayenne under tongue until relieved.

Skin infections, fugal – Tea Tree Oil (RMC)

Apply Tea Tree oil full-strength or diluted w/ vegetable oil to skin surface.

Sprains – A combination of: Tienchi ginseng, Hyssop, Cinnamon, Myrrh, Calendula, Prickly Ash, Cayenne, Scute (JFH)

Herbs not recommended individually – order preparation from JFH. External: rub briskly into skin on affected area 3 or more times daily. Internal: 1/2 to 1 tsp in a little warm water 3x/day. (Internal and external treatment together works best.).
The cayenne makes it taste a little hot initially, then sensation disappears. Do not take internally if pregnant. Keep out of eyes. Wash hands after use. Will stain clothes. Do not use on open sores (alcohol stings).

Sprains, Strains – Arnica, Valerian (RMC)

Massage with Arnica immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day; take Valerian.

Stomach upset – Ginger, Slippery Elm (JFH, RMC)

Take 2 ml tincture of Ginger Rhizome 3x/day in a little water. Or use fresh Ginger root; grate 1 tbsp and steep in a tea for 20 minutes and strain. Or Take 2 Slippery Elm capsules.
Do not use if fever is present.

Stroke and stroke prevention – Ginkgo (JFH)

Take 2-4 ml tincture of Ginkgo leaves 3x/day in a little water.
May cause dizziness, gastric upset. Do not use continuously on its own for over 3 months. Take a week break and then continue pattern. To be effective, needs to be taken consistently for at least 3 months. Most people begin to see benefits in 2 to 3 weeks. Use leaves only. The fresh SEEDS ARE TOXIC and the fruit pulp can cause severe skin reactions.

Swelling – Arnica (RMC)

Apply Arnica immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day.

Teething pain – Osha Root (RMC)

Chew Osha Root.

Throat, sore – Osha Root (RMC)

Chew Osha Root.

Toothache – Echinacea, Valerian, Osha Root (RMC)

Massage sore gums/tooth w/ Echinacea; 30 drops Valerian; chew Osha Root.

Trauma – Cayenne (RMC)

Put Cayenne under tongue until relieved.

Ulcers – Licorice (JFH)

Take 1-3 ml tincture of Licorice root 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea of 1 tsp dried Licorice root to 1 cup water; boil then simmer 10-15 min; strain; drink 3 cups daily.
May cause reversible high blood pressure, potassium loss, and sodium and water retention IF taken regularly (more that 3 grams a day for more than 6 weeks). . This is unlikely when taken in recommended dosage. To be on safe side, do not use in cases of high blood pressure renal failure or current use of digitalis preparations.

Wheezing – Combination of: Red Clover Flower, Black Cohosh Rhizome, Lobelia Herb (JFH)

Take 1 tsp tincture every 2 hours as mixed with the cough syrup formula (see Cough) half and half.
Made to combine with the basic cough syrup as needed; not meant to be used alone. May cause nausea or vomiting; if so, discontinue use. Only use for as long as cough persists. If cough lasts over 2 weeks, seek other remedies.

Whiplash – A combination of: Tienchi ginseng, Hyssop, Cinnamon, Myrrh, Calendula, Prickly Ash, Cayenne, Scute (JFH)

Herbs not recommended individually – order preparation from JFH. External: rub briskly into skin on affected area 3 or more times daily. Internal: 1/2 to 1 tsp in a little warm water 3x/day. (Internal and external treatment together works best.).
The cayenne makes it taste a little hot initially, then sensation disappears. Do not take internally if pregnant. Keep out of eyes. Wash hands after use. Will stain clothes. Do not use on open sores (alcohol stings).

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